​Annette McCullough

"Giving your Real Estate dreams an address!"
Realty Executives In The Villages
This website is owned and maintained by Annette McCullough, who is NOT in any way associated with The Villages or Holding Company of The Villages, Inc.
Title Insurance

In The Villages and surrounding areas, Title Companies are used to close on homes. They do the title search and provide title insurance, which is normally paid for by the SELLER.
The Title Company also prepares all the closing documents required, lender required documents, and Villages required documents including transfer of mailbox keys, notification for bond and CDD. All you will have to do after closing is get your photo ID's and gate passes and start living the GOOD Life.
Before Closing Checklist
I will Review Closing Statement prior to you receiving it to make sure that contract items are accounted for in the BUYER and SELLER areas. It will then be forwarded to you a day or two before closing. If you cannot be present for the closing, the Title Company does what is called a MAIL AWAY. The Title package will be over-nighted to you with notations of where to sign and initial. You will be required to get one document notarized before returning the completed title package. If you have any questions, the closing agent is available to explain and answer any questions you have.
Bring one legal form of photo Identification issued by a governmental agency (driver's license, state issued ID or passport).
If it is a cash closing or part cash loan, you can wire the money to the Title Company where it is put into escrow until the closing is completed, or a bank guaranteed check is required
Lenders seldom allow credits on closing statements such as "lump sum" credits for closing costs or credit for repairs.
Even though it is included in the contract, do not assume that the lender has approved it (i.e. seller leaseback, etc.). Check with the lender for special or unusual contract conditions and get approval for such in writing as soon as possible.
Make sure you have transferred all the utilities to your name prior to the day of the closing. I will provide utility companies and numbers for you to arrange switch over.